3 Ways to Keep Your All-on-Four Dental Implants Healthy

All-on-four dental implants are bridges that span the entire mouth that are anchored in by four dental implants that are fused to the gum line. They are an appealing and elegant alternative to removable dentures, but require special care to ensure their function for many years to come.

Remove food at the gum line

Although all-on-four implants are fit closely to your gum line, like all bridges there still remains a gap between your gums and the bridge itself that food can get lodged into. While flossing is normally an important part of dental hygiene, it becomes even more critical with bridges as bits of food can get stuck under the bridge for long periods of time, all the while attracting bacteria to the vulnerable sections of your exposed gums. Use a bridge flosser or dental irrigator to ensure the gaps between your bridges and your gums are kept clean.  Antiseptic mouthwash will also ensure that bacteria does not have a chance to grow.  In extreme cases, you may need to use a gum stimulator to remove particularly tenacious bits of food.

Use a proxy brush

All-on-four implants can be brushed with a standard toothbrush, but also require special consideration to clean in tight spaces underside the bridge as the toothbrush's bristles are too large and unwieldy to effectively fit. Consider using a proxy brush with smaller, tapered bristles to ensure that those hard-to-reach spots are cleaned effectively. 

Continue your dental checkup regimen

Even though all-on-four implants completely replace your natural teeth, you should still return for regular examinations! Your gum health is as important as it ever was and should be checked up regularly to prevent periodontal disease. The practiced eye of a dentist can also help you ensure that everything is functioning the way they should with your implants.

Do you have any questions on how to keep your all-on-four dental implants in great shape? Please contact the Charlotte Dental Implant Center team at (704) 324-8612 or request an appointment here.


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