"All On Four": The Innovative Solution to Full Arch Dental Implants

Very few people make it to their retirement years with all of their original teeth. Or, rather, original teeth rarely make it to a person's golden years. Medical development has helped humans to quite comfortably outlive the natural lifespan of most teeth, which usually become thin and brittle over time. Dental damage, enamel loss, cavities, and other problems often lead to caps, bridges, and, eventually dental implants.

Dental implants rely on anchoring the new teeth or bridgework into the jawbone. However, replacing a full arch has been difficult due to the reduction of anchoring bone available for back teeth. This led to the innovation of the "All on Four" method.

If you are in need of a full arch of new teeth, All on Four makes it possible to enjoy the stability and permanence of dental implants with only four well-placed dental anchors.


What Is the "All on Four" Method for Dental Implants?

The name "All on Four" indicates that you can have all your teeth in a full arch restoration anchored by just four points secured in the jawbone.

In the past, dental implants have relied on an individual anchor for each tooth or bridge. Full arch dental rehabilitation once required 6-8 implants for a full fixed bridge. In addition, not all patients could be considered candidates for the old method of full arch restoration due to oral bone health concerns and certain jaw formations. There is typically less available bone for dental implant anchors near the back of the jaw.

Fortunately, in the 1990s, a dentist and professor in Portugal, Professor Paolo Malo, developed the All on Four method, which applied the clever use of angled dental anchors to reduce the number of screws needed for a full arch from 6-8 to only four. Professor Malo has since become a world-renowned expert in advanced oral rehabilitation.

The 45 Degree Angle Innovation

What makes All on Four dental implants work is the 45-degree angle used to anchor the back sections of the full arch. Rather than rely on anchoring the implants further back in the jawbone, the implants can be rooted in the stronger forward bone and pointed backward at a 45-degree angle to provide stable support for the full arch of implants on only four anchor points.


Benefits of "All on Four" Dental Restoration

If you are considering a full arch restoration, you don't have to worry about a long and invasive installation process. A dentist trained in the All on Four procedure will be able to offer a comprehensive solution and a better surgical experience compared to individually addressing each tooth or bridge area with separate implants. The All on Four method has made dentures far less necessary and provides an excellent solution for patients who need extensive dental repairwork.

In fact, there are a few profound benefits to choosing the All on Four method.

1) Greater Accessibility for Dental Patients

All on Four dental restoration is available for a far wider range of patients compared to traditional implant procedures. This is because the 45-degree angle method can overcome many problems related to oral bone health and oral bone formation.

Patients with osteoporosis have often been told that they cannot be candidates for dental implants due to poor bone health. However, All on Four eliminates the need for bone grafting. All on Four implants make it possible for most patients with osteoporosis to enjoy the benefits of full arch implant restoration due to the reduced anchor points.

Patients who suffer from bone loss of the upper jaw may also be eligible for All on Four dental restoration, where the back teeth are resorbed because anchors are focused in the forward part of the oral bone.

This makes All on Four a fantastic solution for patients who may have been told that they are not good candidates for dental implants and full arch restoration.

2) Shorter Installation Procedure

There is a big difference between installing 6-8 screws in the oral bone versus four strategically placed screws to act as implant anchor points. In many cases, the length of the procedure is essentially halved by the All on Four dental restoration method. Because your dentist needs only four screws, patients are required to spend far less time in the chair, with or without sedation.

Patients who choose sedation also enjoy a considerably smaller overall dose of the sedative. This can result in lower risks related to sedation and reduced after-effects in the hours and days after the surgery.

Doctors also appreciate the reduced time performing oral surgery, providing long-lasting results without needing to drill into the oral bone any more than is absolutely necessary.

3) Faster Recovery After the Procedure

Lastly, because All on Four requires far less alteration to the oral bone, patients have less healing to do when the procedure is over. If you've experienced dental implant surgery before, or know someone who has, you know how important recovery time can be.

The rehabilitation stage after oral surgery is considerably shorter using the All on Four method. This allows patients to plan for less time that patients need to spend taking painkillers and eating soft foods while the oral bone heals. It can also help reduce the amount of work missed while in surgical recovery, which is an important calculation for many professionals today.


All on Four Restoration at the Charlotte Dental Implant Center

The Charlotte Dental Implant Center specializes in the latest dental implant surgical solutions and techniques. Our dental team is trained in both surgical and cosmetic dentistry, ensuring that your implants are optimized for both performance and a stunning new look. When you need full arch dental restoration, you can count on the Charlotte Dental Implant Center to ensure you receive the highest quality care and implant results.

Contact us by calling (704)-375-4252 to consult on your dental needs and whether All on Four restoration is right for you.


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