Bone Grafting

Dentist Showing Mouth X-Rray

Why do I need bone grafting done?

If you’re hoping to get dental implants, the procedure requires a strong, healthy jawbone to support the surgically-inserted metal posts. Though implant surgery is the preferred tooth replacement method by most dentists, in the past, without a healthy jawbone, this would not have been an option.

Luckily, Dr. Sunar offers bone grafting to patients in Charlotte, NC who otherwise wouldn’t be able to get dental implants. The procedure allows you to get implants even if you have an insufficient or weak jawbone. By grafting bone-like material, Dr. Sunar helps prepare your jawbone for hosting implants.

What is bone grafting?

Periodontal disease or losing teeth may cause the surrounding jawbone to melt away. Bone grafting is a minor surgical procedure that involves grafting bone-like material onto your jawbone to strengthen areas weakened by bone loss. It is a standard procedure for patients who need implants.

How does bone grafting work?

During the bone grafting procedure, Dr. Sunar uses a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area and minimize discomfort. First, he uses dental instruments to make an incision in your gums allowing him to access the tooth-supporting bone beneath the gum line.

He then grafts on the bone-like material. It may come in either a putty, powder, or gel form. The graft is also covered in a collagen membrane for optimum bone repair. It acts as a scaffold onto which your body will build new bone. At the end of the procedure, Dr. Sunar stitches up the incision and makes sure there isn’t any significant bleeding.

You may experience some minor pain after your bone grafting is completed. However, Dr. Sunar can prescribe pain medications that help to relieve your pain. You should be able to resume a regular diet quickly, but make sure to consult Dr. Sunar for recovery instructions.

Is bone grafting safe?

Yes, bone grafting is generally very safe. However, as is the case with all medical procedures, there are some potential risks, including:

  • Bleeding

  • Infection

  • Complications from anesthesia

  • Nerve damage

These complications are infrequent and any lingering effects from the procedure should subside on their own. If you do experience anything serious following a bone grafting procedure, make sure to let Dr. Sunar know right away.

To schedule a bone grafting consultation, call Charlotte Dental Implant Center or request an appointment online and we’ll call you shortly after to confirm!


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