Sinus Bone Augmentation

Dental Mouth X-Ray

Why do I need sinus bone augmentation?

The most common reason for a sinus bone augmentation is the need for dental implants in the molar or premolar area. Your upper jaw may not be able to support implants if:

  • Your upper jaw has less bone than your lower jaw (this is common, due to the natural anatomy of many people’s skulls)

  • Your sinuses are too close to the bone for implant placement

  • Bone has been lost due to periodontal disease

  • Tooth loss may have caused bone loss

If your upper jawbone isn’t strong enough to support implants there, you may need a sinus bone augmentation to strengthen the area so that it can host implants.

What is a sinus bone augmentation?

A sinus bone augmentation is an oral surgical procedure that adds bone to your upper jaw so that the area can support dental implants. It’s also known as a sinus lift surgery.

During a sinus bone augmentation, Dr. Rush Sunar adds bone to the area around your molars and premolars, which are between your jaw and maxillary sinuses on either side of your nose. Making room for the new bone involves lifting your sinus membrane upward.

How does sinus bone augmentation work?

During a sinus bone augmentation, you’ll be placed under general anesthesia so that you don’t experience any discomfort.

First, Dr. Sunar cuts the gum tissue where your back teeth used to be, then lifts the tissue and exposes the jawbone. He uses special dental instruments to create a small, oval window in the bone. The membrane lining your sinus is gently pushed up and away from your jaw.

Dr. Sunar then packs the space where the sinus was with bone-like material, grafting it onto the existing bone. Once the bone has been grafted, he closes the incision with stitches.

After a sinus bone augmentation, your jawbone will need time to heal. Typically, you’ll have your upper jaw implants placed 4-9 months later. This allows time for the grafted-on bone material to meld to your natural jawbone.

The length of your recovery depends on how much new bone is being integrated. Dr. Sunar monitors your progress closely with regular check-ups. He’ll determine when your jawbone is ready to support implants.

Is sinus bone augmentation safe?

Yes, generally, a sinus bone augmentation procedure is safe. However, though complications are rare there are potential risks, including puncturing of the sinus membrane or infection following surgery.

If you notice any serious complications after a sinus bone augmentation, such as recurring pain, bleeding for more than two days, or swelling that won’t go away, let the team at Charlotte Dental Implant Center know right away.

To schedule a consultation for a sinus bone augmentation at Charlotte Dental Implant Center, located in Charlotte, NC, call the office or request an appointment online and we’ll call you shortly after to confirm!


Bone Grafting

